The Article from: httP://
While talking about Google AdSense, we must not forget that Google is primarily known for its search engine capabilities (in fact, it is one of the most powerful search engines available today). So, how could Google leave out it search engine capabilities from its AdSense program?
‘AdSense for Search’ is how Google includes search engine bit into the Google AdSense program. ‘AdSense for Search’ can actually be termed as a sibling of Google AdSense program and is one great way of increasing website revenue for website owners. To implement ‘AdSense for search’, you just have to include the Google search box on your website. Again, Google offers the code that you need to use for including Google search box. You just have to paste the code at whatever place you deem as the most appropriate place for Google search box.
When your website visitors use Google search bar on your website, they get almost the same results as they would by using Google separately through When these website visitors click the search results, the website owner earns revenue (CPC revenue). You can even include AdSense Ads on the search results page and earn CPM or CPC revenue from them. Also, you can customize the search results page to suit your website’s theme. So, Google AdSense for search is one great way of making money just by including the Google search bar on your website. Besides that, the visitors to your website get an additional functionality through your website i.e. the facility to search the web using one of the most powerful search engine (without leaving your website).
‘AdSense for search’ is a great way of earning revenue through your website (and, in fact, one of the easiest ways too). A number of website owner actually use both the ‘AdSense for Search’ and the regular ‘AdSense for content’ in order to maximize their revenue.
Monday, August 11, 2008
An introduction to AdSense for Search
AdSense tips that you might have missed out on
The Article from: httP://
Google AdSense program is one of the best online advertising programs that are in use today. AdSense program is beneficial to all the involved parties i.e. the advertisers, the website owners and the website visitors. The popularity of AdSense program seems to be the most among the second group i.e. website owners. A number of website owners today use AdSense Ads on their websites in order to earn good revenue on a regular basis. They use a number of tricks and tips in order to maximize their revenues.
Besides the regular tips, there are some other AdSense tips which a number of people miss out on unless they are very careful:
1. Use multiple ad units: Google allows you to use up to 3 ad units and one link unit per web page. Since your revenue earnings are dependent on ad clicks and ad impressions, a higher number of ad units can potentially increase your AdSense earnings. However, do not go with the maximum allowed ad units if you don’t have enough content on your web page; this might offend the website visitors.
2. Use wider Ad format: Though Ad formats yield different results for different websites, the wider Ad formats (like rectangles) are generally known to be more effective than their narrower counterparts (there is a scientific explanation for this, but we can leave that out since we are more concerned with the results).
3. Limit the filters: Filters are useful for blocking the Ads that you don’t want displayed on your website e.g. Ads of competitors. However, too many filters can seriously limit your revenue earning potential from AdSense Ads. So, limit the use of filters to minimum.
AdSense related terms that you should know
The Article from: httP://
Here is the list of AdSense related terms that you should know for sure:
Page impression: A page impression is generally the same as a page view but the number of page impressions can sometimes be different than the page views. This happens when the page is viewed by a visitor but the AdSense code is not executed for some reason (which means that the Ads are not displayed to the visitor).
Ad unit impressions: Whenever you get page impressions, you also get Ad unit impressions. However, the ad unit impressions are dependent on the number of ad units you have on your page i.e. number of ad units that get executed when the page loads on user’s browser. Note that the link unit impressions are also counted as ad unit impressions.
Click: A click (for the purpose of AdSense) is recorded whenever a website visitor clicks on one of the AdSense Ads. Note that a click on a topic in a link unit is not considered as a click.
Click through rate, for the purpose of AdSense, is the number of clicks received by an ad unit divided by the total number of ad unit impressions for that ad unit. So, a better CTR can mean more revenue for you.
Effective CPM: It is calculated as the cost per 1000 impressions. However, do not confuse effective CPM with your earnings. In fact, effective CPM is calculated by dividing your earnings by the number of page impressions and then multiplying the final figure by 1000. Effective CPM is generally used to compare various channels and determine which channels are more profitable for you.
AdSense Ad variations: Link Units and themed Ad Units.
The Article from: httP://
Link units and themed ad units are two variations of AdSense Ads that are meant to further increase the quality of AdSense Ads that get served on websites. Let’s take a quick look to see what ‘Link units’ and ‘themed Ad units’ actually are:
Themed ad units: As their name suggests, themed ad units are the ad units that are based on particular themes. These themes could be depicted by colors or special type of graphics that are representative of the event or occasion portrayed by the theme. The events and occasions could be things like Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc. Of course, the themed Ads can only be displayed if they are available from the advertisers and if you have enabled the themed Ads on your AdSense account (in ‘Ad Type Preferences’). Also, since the events vary across different locations, the themed Ads are displayed based on the location of the website visitor. Besides this minor difference, themed ad units work in the same way as the normal ad units.
Link units: Link units are another useful way of advertising through AdSense program. Though the basic premise remains the same (i.e. targeted advertising), the way link units operate is slightly different. Link units are meant to provide even more meaningful advertisements to the website visitors by presenting them with a list of topics (ad keywords) to choose from. The website visitors are then presented with only those Ads that are related to the topic selected by them; hence making their website visit more meaningful. The list of topics presented to the website visitor is based on the website content. So, the topics are relevant to the context of website. However, the ‘clicks’ on the topics doesn’t make any revenue for you; it’s the clicks on the Ads for that topic that earns you revenue. As far as implementing of Link units is concerned, it’s done in the same way as other AdSense type products -- you copy and paste AdSense code in the html code of your webpage. Note that you are allowed to implement only one link unit per web page.
7 Fakta Kelebihan Bisnis Online!
Baru-baru ini, hasil penelitian dari Forrester Research menyatakan bisnis internet marketing yang saat ini bernilai US$ 95 miliar, diperkirakan pada
tahun 2008 pertumbuhannya akan mencapai US$ 230 miliar! Ini merupakan kabar baik bagi mereka yang terjun di bidang bisnis online terutama network marketing online yang makin berkembang pada dekade terakhir ini.
Ada TUJUH fakta kelebihan yang membuat Bisnis Network Marketing online berkembang begitu pesat:
1. Target Market Tak Terbatas. Teknologi internet memungkinkan Anda menjangkau target market yang tak terbatas di seluruh dunia. Sementara, network marketing offline hanya memungkinkan Anda memasarkan pada lingkup yang terbatas seperti teman, sanak keluarga dan tetangga saja.
2. Promosi Lebih Efektif. Network marketing online dipasarkan dengan berbagai macam promosi online. Promosi online ini lebih efektif karena Anda bisa membidik target market yang tepat. Baik itu di negara tertentu, maupun pada orang yang memiliki minat tertentu juga. Anda pun tidak harus membuang
banyak waktu dan biaya untuk pasar yang bukan menjadi target Anda. Sementara itu, faktor ketidakberhasilan network marketing offline lebih banyak disebabkan pemasarannya tidak pada target yang semestinya.
3. Automatisasi Sistem. Tak perlu khawatir kehilangan prospek, pada saat Anda tengah lelap tertidur sementara di belahan dunia lain yang
menjadi target market Anda tengah sibuk-sibuknya menjalankan aktivitas bisnis di siang hari. Sistem autoresponder akan bekerja untuk Anda selama 24 jam NON STOP melayani prospek-prospek Anda dari belahan dunia manapun.
4. Modal & Resiko Lebih Kecil. Dibandingkan modal dan resiko bisnis offline biasa, maka modal dan resiko network marketing online LEBIH KECIL, namun hasilnya bahkan bisa jauh lebih besar dari penghasilan utama.
5. Transaksi Real Time. Teknologi online tak hanya menghubungkan Anda dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia, tetapi juga memungkinkan transaksi antar benua secara real time. Bayangkan jika Anda harus mendatangi langsung satu per satu prospek Anda yang berada di Kanada, Australia, Inggris dan Afrika Selatan.Berapa banyak uang dan waktu yang Anda habiskan untuk itu semua?
6. Menjalankan Bisnis Dari Mana Saja dan Kapan Saja Yang paling menarik network marketing online menawarkan kebebasan bagi Anda untuk memilih
sendiri di mana saja dan kapan saja Anda bekerja, sepanjang Anda terhubung dengan internet.
7. Peluang Mencapai Kebebasan Finansial Karena target market network marketing tak terbatas, maka peluang Anda meraih KEBEBASAN FINANSIAL pun menjadi semakin terbuka lebar. Meraih kebebasan finansial menjadi hal yang MUNGKIN bagi Anda. Sebenarnya masih BANYAK lagi kelebihan bisnis network marketing online.
Mengapa Internet merupakan Media Bisnis yang baik untuk Anda ?
Mengapa Internet merupakan Media Bisnis yang baik untuk Anda ?
Ada 4 alasan :
1. Otomatis bekerja sendiri, NON-STOP 24 jam sehari.
Benar sekali, situs atau toko anda buka selama 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, dan 365 setahun tanpa henti. Karenanya tidak jarang netpreneur (online entepreneur) sering membuat lelucon dengan teman-temannya, "Saya menghasilkan uang meskipun sedang tidur nyenyak." atau yang lain, "Saya tetap menghasilkan uang meskipun saya sedang berlibur ke Bali bersama keluarga." Anda bisa menghasilkan uang dimanapun anda berlibur dan mengecek email anda asalkan ada koneksi internet. Yang anda butuhkan hanya line telepon atau akses internet. Jadi, toko anda bisa buka 24 jam dan anda bisa menjaga toko anda darimana saja di belahan dunia ini.
2. Internet tidak memiliki batasan pelanggan.
Anda bisa berbisnis dengan siapa saja dan di belahan dunia manapun orang tersebut berada secepat kilat.
Contoh 1: Jika anda memiliki toko "offline" entah itu toko buku atau toko kelontong, pasti pelanggan atau konsumen anda hanyalah orang-orang di sekitar toko anda atau hanya orang-orang yang bisa mencapai toko anda, tapi dengan Internet sebagai medianya maka konsumen yang bisa di capai adalah di seluruh penjuru Indonesia dan juga di seluruh penjuru dunia.
Contoh 2: Jika anda mengikuti sebuah bisnis MLM yang di jalankan secara offline , seperti MLM CNI,fyi,tianshi,rich, dan lain sebagainya, maka jaringan network marketing yang bisa anda bangun sangat mungkin hanya dengan orang-orang yang tinggal di sekitar anda atau di kota/daerah anda. Tapi jika bisnis MLM atau network marketing bisa di jalankan secara online melalui Internet maka jaringan network marketing dan mitra bisnis yang bisa anda capai tidak terbatas dengan wilayah di sekitar anda saja. Anda bisa membangun jaringan secepat kilat dengan siapa saja dari daerah manapun di Indonesia bisa anda jangkau bahkan dari seluruh penjuru dunia sekalipun
3. Anda tidak membutuhkan modal jutaan rupiah untuk memulainya. Di Internet anda hanya butuh modal tidak sampai jutaan rupiah. Dengan uang puluhan ribu sampai ratusan ribu rupiah pun anda sudah bisa membangun bisnis anda di Internet.
4. Resiko Sangat Kecil.
Di bandingkan bisnis offline, resiko menjalankan bisnis online relatif sangat kecil karena modal yang di perlukan juga kecil dan dengan biaya yang relatif kecil pula.
Ya.., takut Gagal, takut Mencoba, takut Salah dan segala ketakutan (yang dibayangkan seolah-olah akan benar-benar terjadi) yang ada dalam pikiran anda, sebelum anda mengambil peluang bisnis, adalah faktor utama yang menghambat Kesuksesan usaha Anda. Membayangkan kegagalan tidak ada gunanya, sementara menbayangkan kesuksesan sambil berusaha keras untuk mendapatkanya akan mebuat hidup anda bersemangat, antusias dan bahagia.
Orang tidak akan mau berbisnis karena takut akan gagal sehingga uangnya akan hilang, dia tidak akan mendapatkan uang dari berbisnis. Seorang penjual yang takut akan ditolak, dia tidak akan mendapatkan seorang pembeli.
Napoleon Hill dalam bukunya Think and Grow Rich mengatakan: "Rasa takut
ini melumpuhkan kemampuan pertimbangan akal, merusak kemampuan imajinasi, membunuh rasa percaya pada diri sendiri, merongrong antusiasme, melemahkan inisiatif, menuju ketidak pastian mengejar sasaran, mendorong kebiasaan menunda- nunda, menghapus semangat, dan membuat kontrol atas diri sendiri jadi mustahil".
Rasa takut merenggut pesona dari kepribadian seseorang, menghancurkan
kemungkinan kemungkinan pemikiran yang akurat, mengalihkan konsentrasi atas upaya; rasa takut mengalahkan ketekunan, mengubah kekuatan kemauan menjadi hal yang tidak ada artinya, membinasakan ambisi, mengaburkan ingatan, dan mengundang kegagalan dalam setiap bentuk yang bisa dipikirkan; rasa takut membunuh cinta dan mematikan emosi hati yang lebih halus, menghambat persahabatan dan mengundang bencana dalam seratus bentuk, mengakibatkan orang tidak bisa tidur, mendatangkan kesengsaraan dan ketidakbahagiaan---dan semua ini terjadi walaupun ada kenyataan bahwa kita hidup dalam dunia yang penuh keberlimpahan apa saja yang diinginkan orang tanpa ada yang menghalangi kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan, kecuali kurangnya tekat yang pasti."
Jangan Biarkan Rasa Takut Bersama Anda.
Rasa takut bisa dihindari. Menjadi orang berani bisa dipelajari. Anda pun
bisa, Saya bisa, semua orang bisa, Kita semua bisa.
"Dan Sesungguhnya, barang siapa yang sering menggunakan internet, akrab dengan internet, banyak keluar duit untuk mengakses internet dan memiliki akses ke Internet tetapi tidak menghasilkan uang dari Internet. Maka sungguh dia adalah orang yang merugi lagi boros"
"Jadilah Pemain, Jangan hanya menonton"
- Global eBusiness -
Memahami 9 Aspek Penting Sebelum Memulai Usaha
Memulai bisnis bagi kebanyakan orang bukanlah hal yang mudah. Hal yang klasik, banyak pertimbangan di sana sini sehingga tak jarang membuat orang urung memulai bisnis. Semestinya memulai bisnis tidak menjadi salah satu sumber ketakutan bagi setiap orang. Untuk menghilangkan ketakutan dalam memulai bisnis, seseorang bisa membuat persiapan bisnis yang matang sehingga dapat menjalaninya dengan optimistis.
Salah satu seminar Gerald Abraham salah seorang penasehat bisnis pada sebuah firma hukum, juga pemilik dan direktur sebuah konsultan keuangan di tahun 2006, berisi tentang menjadi sukses dengan memahami 9 aspek penting sebelum memulai usaha.
1. Memahami konsep produk atau jasa secara baik
Sebelum memulai suatu usaha maka hal yang terpenting adalah pemahaman kita akan konsep produk atau jasa yang akan menjadi bisnis inti. Kita perlu memahami bukan hanya secara teknis produksi tetapi juga pasar dan prospek mulai daripada lingkungan yang terkecil kepada lingkungan yang terbesar. Dalam topik ini dibahas secara menyeluruh aspek-aspek yang penting dalam melakukan analisa atas kelayakan dan prospek produk termasuk produk-produk yang sama sekali baru dengan melihat sisi human behavior, kebutuhan pasar dan lainnya.
2. Membuat visi dan misi bisnis
Setiap orang yang mau memulai bisnis harus mengetahui visi dan misi yang akan menjadi panduan seseorang untuk tetap fokus kepada tujuan bisnis dan organisasi yang awal. Seringkali suatu usaha pada saat mulai berkembang pada tahap berikutnya mengalami kegagalan karena organisasi tersebut tidak memfokuskan diri kepada peningkatan kemajuan bisnis awal tetapi terlalu banyak mencoba mengembangkan bidang usaha lain yang baru. Dalam topik ini setiap orang akan belajar bagaimana membuat visi dan misi dalam kaitannya dengan latar belakang pribadi dan pengetahuan usaha yang akan anda rintis.
3. Perlunya winning, positive dan learning attitude untuk menjadi sukses
Sikap mental merupakan kunci keberhasilan atas usaha anda selain daripada pemahaman usaha anda. there is no over night success sesuatu yang harus dicamkan daripada setiap calon “entrepreneur” karena dibutuhkan waktu, sikap tidak menyerah, proses belajar secara kesinambunga, dan melihat permasalahan secara positif yang tidak membuat anda menjadi patah semangat namun melihat setiap peluang dan belajar atas setiap kegagalan.Anda akan belajar untuk mengembangkan sikap-sikap diatas untuk menjadi “bisnis entrepreneur” yang sukses.
4. Membuat perencanaan dan strategi bisnis yang efektif akan menghindari usaha daripada risiko bisnis dan keuangan.
Secara statistik hampir seluruh kegagalan bisnis kecil dan menengah disebabkan karena tidak adanya atau kurang efektifnya perencanaan bisnis yang anda buat. Asumsi-asumsi seperti kapasitas produksi, tingkat utilisasi produksi, proyeksi kenaikan harga dan biaya dan aspek lainnya dalam perencanaan bisnis haruslah menggambarkan secara akurat realitas pasar atau praktek yang ada dalam suatu industri. Sistematika perhitungan dan proyeksi pendapatan dan biaya harus dibuat secara tepat sehingga membantu setiap calon pengusaha untuk menghitung secara akurat kebutuhan modal investasi dan modal kerja termasuk struktur biaya untuk persiapan awal, tahap percobaan, produksi secara komersial, inventori, distribusi, pemasaran, administrasi, sumber daya manusia dan juga komponen pendapatan usaha yang terdiri dari pendapatan inti dan tambahan. Pemahaman yang baik atas hal ini juga akan membantu calon entrepreneur untuk dapat mengindentifikasi potensi resiko bisnis, manajemen dan keuangan dan membuat langkah-langkah pengendalian untuk dapat menghindari setiap resiko tersebut.
5. Pengetahuan dasar manajemen, organisasi dan sistem akan menghindari usaha daripada risiko manajemen.
Setiap usaha dari yang paling kecil sekalipun membutuhkan manajemen yang baik untuk memastikan proses pemasaran, produksi, distribusi dan penjualan berlangsung dengan baik. Sistem manajemen yang buruk akan mengakibatkan adanya biaya yang tidak perlu seperti bahan baku yang terbuang, pekerja yang tidak produktif karena pengawasan yang tidak efektif dan deskripsi pekerjaan yang tidak jelas, koordinasi dan komunikasi antar pegawai yang tidak efektif sehingga banyak keputusan yang terlambat, perekrutan pegawai yang tidak efektif sehingga banyak pegawai yang keluar masuk dan membuang banyak waktu dan biaya, pelatihan yang tidak baik sehingga produktivitas pegawai yang rendah dan masih banyak lagi permasalahan organisasi. Dalam topik ini kami akan memberikan pengetahuan dasar dan aspek-aspek yang sangat penting yang harus dipelajari oleh calon bisnis entrepreneur untuk menghindari resiko manajemen yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan usaha.
6. Optimalisasi sumber daya manusia maka 50% usaha Anda sudah berhasil.
Sumber Daya Manusia atau SDM merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan usaha yang sangat penting. Banyak pakar yang menyadari bahwasanya untuk memulai usaha seringkali apabila kita merekrut pegawai yang tepat dan berpotensi sangat baik dapat menutup kelemahan manajemen, organisasi dan sistim dalam jangka pendek. Dengan SDM yang tepat maka kita sudah setengah jalan untuk menjadi sukses. Topik ini akan membantu kita untuk memahami kriteria pegawai yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan usaha, manajemen SDM secara umum termasuk sistim penilaian kinerja pegawai sehingga setiap pegawai akan merasa puas dan juga bagaimana memotivasi pegawai baik secara psikologi umum maupun dengan sistim insentif untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja pegawai.
7. Mengapa kreativitas, kepemimpinan dan proses pembuatan keputusan sangat penting?
Dalam memulai usaha umumnya setiap calon entrepreneur akan mengalami banyak permasalahan dan krisis. Banyak kegagalan terjadi karena kurangnya kreativitas, kepemimpinan dan pembuatan keputusan yang tepat untuk mencari solusi yang baik. Kreativitas seperti “thinking outbox” atau kemampuan melakukan analisa permasalahan di luar pemahaman yang sudah ada dan mencari alternatif solusi yang kreatif akan sangat membantu usaha anda untuk berhasil. Kreativitas juga akan sangat membantu anda untuk menyesuaikan produk-produk anda agar dapat diterima oleh pasar dan juga melihat berbagai peluang dalam membangun usaha anda. Kepemimpinan sangat penting dalamkrisis untuk membuat setiap pegawai dan semua orang yang terlibat dalam usaha anda percaya bahwasanya anda tidak panik, menjadi tempat last resort solusi atas semua permasalahan dan menjadi panutan. Proses Pembuatan Keputusan akan membantu anda dalam mencari alternatif solusi dan memilih yang terbaik untuk usaha dan organisasi anda. Dalam topik ini anda akan mendapatkan cara-cara mengembangkan kreativitas usaha anda, ciri-ciri kepemimpinan yang cocok dengan latar belakang pribadi anda dan bagaimana proses yang benar dalam membuat keputusan dalam setiap permasalahan.
8. Pengetahuan dasar pengelolaan keuangan dan pembiayaan
Pemahaman atas aspek ini adalah sangat penting dalam perkembangan usaha anda. Seringkali produksi terganggu karena pengelolaan keuangan yang tidak baik seperti kekurangan dana untuk pembelian bahan baku, alat-alat produksi dan lainnya. Dalamtopik ini akan dibahas pengetahuan dasar atas cash flow atau arus kas yang seperti darah dalam tubuh manusia, biaya pendanaan, pembiayaan modal kerja dan investasi, struktur modal, aset perusahaan, penyertaan modal dan lainnya.
9. Pemasaran, pelayanan dan product brand
Pemasaran merupakan ujung tombak keberhasilan penjualan produk atau jasa. Sebaik apapun produk atau jasa tanpa pemasaran yang baik maka akan sangat sukar untuk meningkat penjualan dan keuntungan usaha. Di lain pihak tanpa pelayanan yang baik kepada pelanggan maka akan sangat sukar suatu usaha untuk memperoleh pelanggan yang loyal yang merupakan kunci perkembangan usaha. Dengan pelanggan yang loyal maka pekerjaan pemasaran akan lebih mudah karena pelayanan yang baik akan menciptakan product brand yang baik kepada calon pelanggan baru. Dalam topik ini akan dibahas secera menyeluruh semua aspek penting dalam membuat strategi pemasaran, identifikasi pelayanan yang dibutuhkan pelanggan dan bagaimana menciptakan product brand dan efeknya kepada keberhasilan usaha.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Mencapai potensi hidup yang maksimal
Artikel ini saya posting dari Artikel Motivasi
Setiap orang mendambakan masa depan yang lebih baik ; kesuksesan dalam karir,
rumah tangga dan hubungan sosial, namun seringkali kita terbentur oleh berbagai
kendala. Dan kendala terbesar justru ada pada diri kita sendiri.
Melalui karyanya, Joel Osteen menantang kita untuk keluar dari pola pikir yang
sempit dan mulai berpikir dengan paradigma yang baru.
Ada 7 langkah agar kita mencapai potensi hidup yang maksimal :
* Langkah pertama adalah perluas wawasan. Anda harus memandang kehidupan ini
dengan mata iman, pandanglah dirimu sedang melesat ke level yang lebih tinggi.
Anda harus memiliki gambaran mental yang jelas tentang apa yang akan Anda raih.
Gambaran ini harus menjadi bagian dari dirimu, didalam benakmu, dalam percakapanmu,
meresap ke pikiran alam bawah sadarmu, dalam perbuatanmu dan dalam setiap
aspek kehidupanmu.
* Langkah ke dua adalah mengembangkan gambar diri yang sehat. Itu artinya Anda harus
melandasi gambar dirimu diatas apa yang Tuhan katakan tentang Anda.
Keberhasilanmu meraih tujuan sangat tergantung pada bagaimana Anda memandang
dirimu sendiri dan apa yang Anda rasakan tentang dirimu. Sebab hal itu akan menentukan
tingkat kepercayaan diri Anda dalam bertindak. Fakta menyatakan bahwa Anda tidak akan
pernah melesat lebih tinggi dari apa yang Anda bayangkan mengenai dirimu sendiri
* Langkah ke tiga adalah temukan kekuatan dibalik pikiran dan perkataanmu.
Target utama serangan musuh adalah pikiranmu. Ia tahu sekiranya ia
berhasil mengendalikan dan memanipulasi apa yang Anda pikirkan, maka ia
akan berhasil mengendalikan dan memanipulasi seluruh kehidupanmu.
Pikiran menentukan prilaku, sikap dan gambar diri. Pikiran menentukan tujuan.
Alkitab memperingatkan kita untuk senantiasa menjaga pikiran.
* Langkah ke empat adalah lepaskan masa lalu, biarkanlah ia pergi...
Anda mungkin saja telah kehilangan segala yang tidak seorangpun patut mengalaminya
dalam hidup ini. Jika Anda ingin hidup berkemenangan , Anda tidak boleh memakai
trauma masa lalu sebagai dalih untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan yang buruk saat ini.
Anda harus berani tidak menjadikan masa lalu sebagai alasan atas sikap burukmu
selama ini, atau membenarkan tindakanmu untuk tidak mengampuni seseorang.
* Langkah ke lima adalah temukan kekuatan di dalam keadaan yang paling buruk sekalipun
Kita harus bersikap :" Saya boleh saja terjatuh beberapa kali dalam hidup ini, tetapi
tetapi saya tidak akan terus tinggal dibawah sana." Kita semua menghadapi
tantangan dalam hidup ini . KIta semua pasti mengalami hal-hal yang datang
menyerang kita. Kita boleh saja dijatuhkan dari luar, tetapi kunci untuk hidup
berkemenangan adalah belajar bagaimana untuk bangkit lagi dari dalam.
* Langkah ke enam adalah memberi dengan sukacita. Salah satu tantangan terbesar
yang kita hadapi adalah godaan untuk hidup mementingkan diri sendiri.
Sebab kita tahu bahwa Tuhan memang menginginkan yang terbaik buat kita,
Ia ingin kita makmur, menikmati kemurahanNya dan banyak lagi yang Ia sediakan buat kita,
namun kadang kita lupa dan terjebak dalam prilaku mementingkan diri sendiri.
Sesungguhnya kita akan mengalami lebih banyak sukacita dari yang pernah dibayangkan
apabila kita mau berbagi hidup dengan orang lain.
* Langkah ke tujuh adalah memilih untuk berbahagia hari ini. Anda tidak harus menunggu
sampai semua persoalanmu terselesaikan. Anda tidak harus menunda kebahagiaan
sampai Anda mencapai semua sasaranmu. Tuhan ingin Anda berbahagia apapun kondisimu,
sekarang juga !
( Dikutip dari : Mencapai potensi hidup yang maksimal by Joel Osteen)
Friday, August 08, 2008
Setting up your Google AdSense account – Part 4 (AdSense code)
The Article from: httP://
Once you are done with all the customizations, your AdSense code is generated in the AdSense Code box. You just need to copy this code (which is in the form of a programming script) from the AdSense Code box and paste it in your website as per the guidelines from Google. Since Google allows only three ad units per page, you can add the code at more than one place in your html code.
The next step is to save your web page to the designated web server (as per the instructions from your web hosting service provider). Please note that Google AdSense program does not require you to send over your website’s html code to them; neither does it ask to load it onto their servers or do anything else with it. The addition of AdSense code to your website’s code is the only thing that you need to do. Separate procedures are available with Google for people who want to use AdSense Ads with their blogs (you can check these on Google’s website for AdSense program).
Now that everything is done and dusted, you need to wait for a few hours (might be lesser than that) before Google’s web crawlers find your web page or blog that has AdSense code on it and you start seeing AdSense Ads on your web page or blog. You might see some PSA (charitable Ads) initially (almost immediately) but these will soon get replaced with the AdSense Ads that will earn revenue for you. If the content on your website violates the AdSense program’s policies, you might keep seeing PSAs even after few hours. In all such cases (or if you find objectionable Ads that don’t go even after you have applied appropriate filters), you will need to contact Google who will sort out the problems for you.
Setting up your Google AdSense account – Part 3 (Additional customizations)
The Article from: httP://
Besides the essential customizations like selecting the Ad type, Ad layout and colors, there are some other customizations that you can apply to your AdSense account. In fact, some of these can quite easily be treated as essential customizations (based on the context of your website) e.g. ‘filters’ is one such customization that is quite important. Let’s take a look at what these additional customizations are:
Filters: Google allows you to set-up custom ad filters for your website (note that this is in addition to the screening of ad content that Google does by default). By setting up filters you can block competitive Ads and other Ads that you don’t want to display on your website. In fact, filters are a must if your website sells a product or a service (unless you want to promote your competitors through your website).
Alternate Ads: This is something that can help you in preventing underutilization of the ad space on your website. Alternate Ads are the Ads that you would want to show up on your website in case sufficient content-relevant Ads are not available. If you don’t specify alternate Ads and if there are insufficient content-related Ads available, Google AdSense program will serve charitable Ads to your website (Ads which don’t earn revenue for you).
Reporting and performance tracking: You can even customize the reporting and performance tracking options for your AdSense account. One important tool in this regard is the use of channels to study the performance of AdSense Ads from various perspectives. However, you might decide to take this up later down the line (maybe 1 month after setting up your AdSense account.
Setting up your Google AdSense account – Part 2 (Essential customizations)
The Article from: httP://
Once you are done with setting up your Google AdSense account and once Google has approved your application, you are ready to use Google AdSense for earning revenue from your website. Just login into your account using your email address and password, click ‘AdSense Setup’ in the top menu and select the product type (i.e. ‘AdSense for Content’ or ‘AdSense for Search’). You will be presented with various options for customization of your AdSense Ads. Here we will take a look at setting up ‘AdSense for Content’ only (however, the setup for ‘AdSense for Search’ is quite similar and equally easy).
The first thing that you need to choose is the Ad type (Ad unit or link unit). Based on the Ad type you choose, you will need to specify the type of ad (text, image, etc for Ad unit) or number of links per link unit too. Google AdSense program allows you to use a maximum of three ad units and 1 link unit per web page (and you must use both, in order to maximize your AdSense revenue).
The next thing is to choose the Ad layout. There are various layouts available but large rectangle (336x280) and wide skyscraper (160x600) are preferred over others (since they help get more impressions for you and hence help you make more money).
Customizing the colors of various parts of your AdSense ad is the next thing you need to do. Even though customizing colors is optional (as far as the Google AdSense program is concerned), it’s strongly recommended for making your Ads attractive and more effective. Your choice of colors must be governed by the look and feel of your website so that the Ad doesn’t look out of place.
These are the essential customizations that you surely need to do before you can start using Google AdSense Ads on your website.
Setting up your Google AdSense account – Part 1 (Enrolment form)
The Article from: httP://
So, you have decided to go ahead and use Google AdSense for generating revenue from your website. Google AdSense doesn’t need you to sell any products or services. With Google AdSense, you are just selling advertising space on your website. And the best part is that Google doesn’t discriminate between websites; so, any website owner can enroll with Google AdSense program (as long as it adheres to the Google AdSense program policies). Moreover, setting up a Google AdSense account is so easy that you can literally start generating revenue within 15 minutes.
For enrolling to the Google AdSense program, go to and click on the ‘Click here to Apply’ button. You will be presented with an enrolment form where you need to fill-in some details like your website information (URL and website language), the Google AdSense products that you wish to use (i.e. AdSense for Content or AdSense for Search), your contact information, your email address and your preferences. You will also need to select an account type (business/individual) for your AdSense Account and agree to the various policies, terms and conditions of Google AdSense program. The account type will not affect your revenues in any way; it is there just to determine if the payment is to be made in the name of a company or an individual. The email address and the password that you provide during the enrolment process will be required by you for logging into your account later on. Note that you will be referred to as publisher by the Google AdSense program; so when you return back to the Google AdSense website, you will be asked to enter your login details as an ‘Existing Publisher’.
That’s it. You can now submit your application form for Google to evaluate and get back to you.
Tips for AdSense for feeds
The Article from: httP://
AdSense for feeds is currently in beta testing phase and the content publishers are just waiting for the flood gates to open in order to start earning revenue through the AdSense Ads in their feeds. Here are the top 3 tips that will help you fully capitalize on this revenue earning opportunity:
Content quality: You will earn Google AdSense revenue only if people subscribe to your feed. The more subscriptions you get, the better are your chances of success with AdSense for feeds. Since most people would be looking for quality content, you need to make sure that your feed contains up-to-date quality information that is presented to the users in an easy-to-understand language. Besides that, the feeds should be free from grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Content quantity: Include as much content in your feeds as you possibly can. Again, the aim is prove that the feed is useful and comprehensive (so that more users subscribe to it). If you feel that the complete article cannot go into the feed, include a good summary of the article.
Limit the ad units: If the users find that your feeds contain too much Ads, they might not subscribe to your feeds at all (and the whole purpose of feeds would get defeated). In order to ensure that you get good subscription to your feeds, you should limit the ad units to one per feed. Another good way of ensuring that your feeds don’t look like an advertising medium is to place the Ads either at the end of article or after having sufficiently discussed the topic.
So, get ready for enhancing your ‘AdSense for feeds’ revenue with these tips. Your wait may soon be over. Keep the tempo going and keep checking Google’s AdSense blog for updates about the launch of AdSense for feeds.
Top 4 Tips for getting the best results from your AdSense Ads
The Article from: httP://
The revenue that you earn from Google AdSense program is totally dependent on you and your abilities. Here are some tips that you can use to get the best results from your AdSense Ads:
1. Use channels: Channels help you in conducting a better analysis of the performance of your AdSense Ads. You can use custom channels to check what web pages are making more revenue and which ones are not doing so well. In fact, custom channels can be used for conducting analysis on multiple aspects at the same time. You can use this analysis for making amendments to your AdSense Ads or website content in order to get better results.
2. Ad customization and positioning: Shape, Size and color are the three properties of your AdSense Ads that you can easily control and customize in a way that the Ads don’t look out of place when served on your website. You can either make your Ads stand-out from the rest of the content on your webpage or you can make them blend with the overall webpage. Moreover, you can identify the hot spots on your website and position your Ads accordingly. Ad customization and Ad positioning are, in fact, the best ways to attract more clicks to your AdSense Ads.
3. Content quality: ‘The best generally overcomes the rest’ – is a very true saying. If you host quality content on your website and provide regular updates to your visitors, you can expect more traffic to your website. This will in turn lead to more ad impressions and possibly more clicks.
4. Use AdSense Ads on all pages: If you have multiple web pages on your website, you should include AdSense Ads on all of them. Since the visitors can enter your website through a number of different pages, having AdSense Ads on all the pages will surely in
What makes Google AdSense system so special?
The Article from: httP://
The basic arrangement in which Google AdSense system works is such that Google has the basic control over the Ads that are displayed on the websites subscribed to Google AdSense system. Of course, the website owner can customize how an Ad looks and also block/filter certain types of Ads on their website. The Ads that Google serves are ‘Senseful’ Ads (these Ads are actually relevant to the topics that the website discusses/ caters-to). This is something that is not found in other advertising programs/systems. This creates a win-win situation for everyone.
Website owners get revenue for displaying the Google AdSense Ads and for the clicks they receive on the Ads. So, they are happy too. As far as businesses/advertisers are concerned, they get a system (AdSense system) for targeted advertising that is both easy and economical to operate.
Moreover, Google AdSense Ads are presented in a much better way than the banner Ads or other types of Ads. Most of the Ads are simple text Ads that are clear and concise. The website owners find it easy and the advertisers find it easy too. Google AdSense is really one of the best advertising programs available today.span>
What is AdSense?
This article from: httP://"new"
AdSense is a wonderful advertising concept that was conceived by Google some time back. Though new advertising concepts keep coming up all the time, this one is something that is altogether different.
AdSense (Google’s advertising program) presents an earning opportunity to the website owners by allowing Google to post advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are either text advertisements or image based advertisements. Of course, the website owners need to enroll to the AdSense program through Google’s website ( Google AdSense program requires you (the website owner) to include a piece of code (a programming script) on your website. You can add this piece of code anywhere in the html code of your website i.e. depending on where you want to position the advertisements (however, there are certain rules that you must follow while pasting this scripting code). This piece of code is what determines the structure of advertisements and their content (and this is what helps Google in floating the advertisements on your website). When people visit your website they are able to see these advertisements. Your earnings are based on how many Google Ads are displayed on your website and also based on how many times visitors to your website actually click on one of those Ads.
The Google AdSense system calculates your revenue on per-click (CPC) and per-thousand-Ads-displayed (CPM) basis. The latter is also known as impressions.
For people who want to advertise their products and services through the Google AdSense system, it’s just a matter of signing up through Google Adwords program and letting Google know how much they want to spend towards advertising through Google AdSense. These businesses can specify the limit and Google AdSense system will accordingly serve their Ads so as to ensure that the specified limit is not crossed. Google AdSense increases the visibility of their business/ services and also increases traffic to their website; hence fulfilling their purpose of advertising.
Balancing Work and Home
Work is addicting...and more so when your computer is your office or shop! And while you spend hour upon hour to network with other netpreneurs and provide online customer services to your clients, you tend to neglect a dozen odd household jobs.
Hours seem to fly by when work online. As for your household duties, with great effort, you just take care of the most basic ones like fixing dinner, driving your kids to school etc.
Cleaning, Organizing, Buying Groceries, paying your bills, going to the post office etc. are postponed till the last hour. So how do your balance your work along with your home?
There are two important steps to do this. First, make yourself realize the fact that you HAVE TO take some time out for your home and there is no excuse in the world to avoid that.
Secondly, start organizing your available time. Here are some quick steps to help you balance your work as well as your home.
1. Divide available hours between your home and your work diligently.
2. Set timers when you are working online.
3. Maintain a 'To Do' list or a diary.
4. Picture yourself going through the troubles of paying your bills later than allowed.
5. Set aside some time for all those jobs which require you to go outside. For e.g. going to the market, post office, bank etc. Try to coincide these with each other. Say, for example, you could take care of these after driving your kids to school.
6. Make up your mind and start some kind of organizing/ decorating/ renovating activity around your house. These are so addicting that once you start, you will enjoy yourself a lot.
7. Similarly, take up your favorite hobby in the afternoon. You will love the change and enjoy getting creative.
8. Plan weekly activities. Take up cleaning once a week. Go for outings once a week. Call upon a friend once a week. This will help you maintain your social life as well.
9. Surf the net for information related to a hobby. This will get you started with that hobby and also give you the much needed break from work.
10. Surf the web with your hubby or children. Show them websites of their interest. That way, you will also get to spend more time with them.
Just like the old saying - 'You Eat to Live, You do not Live to Eat', I'll say
'You Work to Live, You do not Live to Work'. It's no use being successful on the cost of your home and your family.
The 'Dot Com Women' of today are not women who stay online for hours with a guilt feeling on the back of their minds. They are women with a strong desire to succeed in their personal and professional lives. And you are one of them! That's why you chose to read this, isn't it?
Good Luck with your efforts to striking a balance between your work and your home!
5 Ways to Improve YOUR English without even Trying! for people who speak English as a second language
This article by: Kim Rogers
Learning a second language can be a very stressful and arduous task if you let it. Somehow, the words you learn in the books don't seem to apply very well to real life situations. Those small and seemingly un-important elements the show a person to be in command of not only the language, but the culture of the people who speak it cannot be adequately expressed by words on paper.
So, how do you learn these little secrets of mastering the ability to articulate yourself in another language?
Here are 5 proven techniques that will help you improve your English without even trying, if you are learning to speak English as a second language. Do they really work? Yes. I've tried them myself as I've had opportunity to live somewhere where English wasn't the primary language. I found it to be a fun, exciting, and painless way to learn both the language and the culture. The culture is simply learning the way the natives express their own words. The genuine accent, facial expressions, hand gestures, sighs, moans, groans, laughter, smirks, and other things that go along with everyday conversation.
Regardless of how extensive or not your vocabulary is, if you master the ability to "sound" like you know the language and can speak it, people will be more than generous to assist you.
1. Watch Movies!
Watching movies is always a fun thing to do. In order to get the most out of your movie watching experience, if your vocabulary is limited, watch a movie in English that you are very familiar with in your own language so you always know what's going on. Try not to translate as you go because you lose blocks of conversation this way. Instead, watch the picture and listen. Hear all the words, but determine what's going on by the pictures you see and the words you're hearing that you already know. Believe it or not, other words will sink in too, and so will the accent and everything else that went with what you saw and heard.
As your vocabulary grows, expand your movie selections to other movies you'd like to see but are only available in English. Try to be able to see the film more than once if possible.
According to the location and type of film you intend to view, you will be able to experience different accents, and other cultural expressions of the English language. Pick and choose the things that you think will suit you best. If it doesn't work out, pick and try something else! Have fun with yourself and your efforts.
2. Watch Soap Operas
The place where extreme expression and limited vocabulary meet! This is such a fascinating way to learn a foreign language. Every accessory that goes with the expression of a word is demonstrated on a soap opera. "Outrage" expressed with a word, facial expression or two, and perhaps even a subsequent face slap, all of that being understandable in any language. "Love", another universal subject, or violence, good versus evil can all be discerned quickly and easily on a soap opera. Plus, soap operas are naturally designed to allow anyone just tuning in to pick up the story quickly. The characters are easily loveable and deliciously "hate-able" so you turn to it again and again to see what's going on, and not only improve your English each time, but reinforce what you've already learned.
3. Read the Comics/Funny Papers
Very non-stressful! Pictures with words, or words with pictures, however you want to look at it, it's a great way to learn! For each thought presented there are words that match a picture, and vice versa. It doesn't matter if you read comic books, or the comics in the Sunday newspaper, read whatever will make you laugh and cause you to enjoy learning at the same time.
4. Read Children's books
If you know any little kids between the ages of 5-8, try reading one of their books to them. Usually little kids know their favorite books by heart, so if you stumble a little, they'll be able to help you.
If you enjoy this method of improving your English, and you find yourself to be pretty good at it, then try reading a few Dr. Seuss books. The rhyming will challenge you, but once you master it, your pronunciation of English, and your delivery will have been considerably refined and improved.
5. Take a service job like waiter or waitress; bartender, or sales person.
This type of job can be done if you have a decent vocabulary of verbs, and know how to say "I, we, she, he, they", etc. The only other thing necessary is a working vocabulary of things relevant to your specific tasks and goals.
For example, as a breakfast waitress, you want to be able to ask if they want their eggs, "scrambled or fried", if they want "more coffee", if everything is "alright", do they want "anything else", and the total of their bill in their own language!
If you sell real estate, you'll want to incorporate words like "mortgage, loan, co-sign, 30 year fixed", etc.
If you sell shoes, you need words like "how does that feel", are they "too tight, too loose, to short in the toe, to big", etc.
The longer you work at your job, the more your working vocabulary will improve.
6. Learn these two sentences and you'll be set for life . . . seriously!
"How do you say (blank)", in English (Spanish, French, etc.), and "What is that called?" (Point if you have to, and smile too). Smiling is a universal language. Once I learned how to ask these two questions, I was on my way to being conversant in the language of my choice!
I could use my limited vocabulary to ask the question and then when I got my answer I would repeat it a few times to make sure I was saying it correctly, and "BAM" I had a new vocabulary word. And, because I asked my question to the best of my ability in the native tongue, the natives realized my sincere desire to learn, and helped me!
7. What happens if you make a mistake?
Nothing. The world won't come to an end, and you haven't embarrassed yourself to the point where you can't show your face again. Just apologize if that's what's called for, or laugh at yourself, make the correction, and count it as a learning experience.
Once I was in a restaurant and I wanted to ask the waiter for a "to go" box, however, I was speaking to my kids in English, and trying to think of what I wanted to ask for in Spanish, and I promptly and incorrectly asked him for a "house to go". He looked at me kind of funny, but he was very courteous, and didn't laugh until I laughed.
I've committed other language faux pas as well over the years, all of which have been a learning experience, and if given enough time, will become a humorous story as well.
What You Should Consider For a WAN Optimization Solution
By Michael Lemm
You're evaluating your WAN (Wide Area Network) and wondering how you can optimize performance across the network. What are you're realistic options for a solution?
Keep in mind that this isn't necessarily a bandwidth solution, such as say MPLS or ethernet is. Rather it's a bandwidth utilization question.
I would suggest looking at WAN optimization appliances: Riverbed, Juniper, Packeteer. In many cases they do a very good job with latency, especially if the main source of the problem is CIFS WAN-unaware issues (copying/opening/modifying files using Windows).
The first step in my view is to find out the path your IP packets are taking. A delay can be caused if your connection is going through satellite and not a land line (Earthbound wireless, fibre- underwater or land, etc.).
First I would suggest tracing your packets' route ..... then making an SLA with your service provider and see if they can guarantee the quality parameters you want concerning BW, delay, jitter etc.
I wouldn't jump into buying or installing anything before that!
Keep in mind that all WAN-accelerators solve Latency issues. So choose any Vendor that does WAN-acceleration. But choosing the right one is not that easy. It depends on your WAN-traffic.
If you use applications (like Citrix, SAP) than a traffic priorizing Accelerator (Like Packeteer or Ipanema) will offer you the best results. However, if your traffic is more file oriented (MS-Office) ..... than you will get the best results with the Data reduction Accelerators, like Riverbed, Juniper Citrix and Cisco. In general you'll likely get the best results with Riverbed.
Wan Optimizations appliances have an effect only on TCP flows. If you have latency issues with UDP flows (voip) I don't think you can do anything against that (real time traffic is very sensitive to latency)
About generic TCP flows optimization, you'll find many vendors in the market selling products which fit well according to your needs : Citrix WanScaler, Cisco WAAS, Juniper, Riverbed, Expand and probably a lot of other vendors...
Here is the trick they all use to hide the effects of latency (they don't hide latency, because it already exists, they hide the effects), Wan optimization solutions act like a transparent TCP proxy, spoofing server's IP address to the client, and spoofing client's IP address to the server, and they send the TCP Ack messages locally. So you don't have to wait for the round trip time to get the ACK message. It helps to "fill-the-pipe" quickly. This is the great solution to avoid latency effects, as TCP throughput is highly sensitive to latency, due to the Ack return messages, also congestion control has an horrible effect when the TCP connections start.
Also they implement selective Acks and large initial flow control windows to use the total bandwidth of the WAN link. Add to this some compression mechanisms to artificially increase the bandwidth available and some layer 7 optimizations (mainly CIFS for file sharing, but also HTTP-based compression), embedded QoS stuff, and you have an overview of what we call "Wan optimization".
Whatever the vendor you choose, they all implement what I described above.
Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications... including Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.
Article Source:
Satellite Internet Service - Affordable and Fast
By Ryan S M
Satellite Internet Service is an excellent broadband solution if you are limited by your dial-up Internet service. There is no comparison!
Satellite Internet service offers high speed internet access via satellite to homes and small businesses in remote and rural areas of the continental United States. Who says faster Internet is only for big cities? It is available to just about everyone, everywhere in America. Yes, even the nooks and crannies. Through an Internet via satellite service you receive fast and affordable two-way broadband internet connectivity over satellite, even if cable or DSL internet services are not available in your area. Leave the frustration of dial-up behind and begin enjoying the Internet the way it was meant to be.
Start surfing instantly. No dial-up delays. No tying up your phone line. No worries about getting bumped off. In fact, save your money and disconnect your second line. Satellite Internet services are comparably 30 times faster than a standard dial-up connection. Dial-up connections are very slow and have a maximum speed of 56 kbps. This bit rate speed is not sufficient for fast downloading and uploading process. Hence, a satellite Internet access is the best solution to this problem.
Satellite high speed Internet provides faster video streaming and quicker movie and music downloads. A UL tested and approved mini-dish and modem are required for accessing such a connection. Now you can download music and video in seconds, send and receive pictures to friends and family, and much more. Web pages load in a fraction of the time and you can see dozens of web pages in the time you load one with a dial-up connection!
High speed satellite internet services facilitate data transmission in both upstream and downstream directions. This type of broadband connection is always on, so you do not require a phone or cable line; neither do you require any software to be installed on your PC. Major satellite internet providers such as WildBlue and HughesNet offer several packages with download speeds between 512 Kbps -1.5 Mbps at affordable low monthly fees. You can also expect a professional installation and friendly 24/7 technical support. Say goodbye to dial-up and start surfing up to thirty times faster. Whether you are a first time home user, or seasoned small business, choose the package that works best for you!
Ryan is a consultant at Blue Speed - We are an authorized dealer of WildBlue Satellite Internet and delivers fast, affordable WildBlue high speed Internet via satellite to virtually any home and small business in small cities and rural America. You can experience lightning fast connections. No more dialing in. No more delays.
Article Source:
How To Start A Blog Have Fun And Increase Website Traffic
By Theresa Cahill
When it comes to generating traffic, nothing beats starting your own blog. For years, blogging was considered a place to record your thoughts and connect with family. Maybe the blogs of yester-year branched out a bit to include friends and business associates.
Nowadays, if you haven't started a blog, you are missing out on some of the best website traffic freely available, and losing out big time.
It's a fact. Warm-blooded humans love to read blogs. Search engines, like Google and Yahoo! adore blogs. For the search engines, the reason is pretty simple; content is constantly updating and search engines feed off these updates. For humans, much of the best in information, resources, and product reviews (and products themselves) can be gleaned from following good blogs. It's easy to create loyalty and keep your readers coming back for more, when you have your own space to pour your heart and soul into.
The key to successfully starting your own blog is to first know your limitations (we'll cover passions in just a bit). While Google does have their own blogger area, will you have the know how to make yours stand out from all the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of other bloggers using this blogging platform? If you do not know how to draw traffic to your blog, you face the same trials and tribulations as you would putting up a static website. You must know how to increase traffic, draw and keep visitors, and use the tools and tricks of blogging to be successful.
Let's presume, for now, that you are only interested in the first stepping stones to creating a successful blog. Your first step would be to determine (ah, here it is) your passion!
Bloggers passionate about their fields, hobbies, know how, etc., joyfully exchange information with their readers, yes even years down the road. Conversely, individuals who choose to blog about subjects they have no real know-how for tend to abandon their projects. No heart, no blog.
You need to think outside the box. Remember, when it is your own space on the internet, you have the freedom to do what you want, not do what you are told. You also gain the flexibility to introduce a wide variety of subjects to explore and still maintain the overall essence of your blog. Blogs allow for the creation of categories and tags, and make a neat, easy, simple system all their own to "file" your information. By using a blogs filing system effectively, you make it easy for humans to find your information, and have the search engines worshipping you. Humans need humans, search engines need data.
The next step to start a blog is to choose a platform. As mentioned above, Google has their own, with a limited amount of (not very attractive) templates to begin. Sure if you want to learn the ins and outs of code-related blog themes, you can substitute templates found out online. However, the platform most recommended for starting a blog is Wordpress.
Wordpress does allow you to host your blog on their servers, but we would highly recommend not going that route. Purchasing a long-lasting (keyword driven) domain name, and finding (excellent) hosting for that domain should be your aim.
So what do we have so far? We know you must:
o Unearth your passion - talking with knowledgeable individuals often helps you discover what it is your really love in life!
o Research and buy your domain name - again getting help so you don't end up with a loser of a domain name is important.
o Locate great hosting - highly recommended that you make sure your host uses cpanel as its backbone. Free hosting may not allow for the installation of php or just be cumbersome to work with. You want blogging to be fun and easy!
Okay, so what's next?
Well, you'll need a template. The template you choose if you pick Wordpress as your platform can be your "ideal" design or just a good substitute while you continue to look. With Wordpress, it is so easy to change your mind and swap the old out for the new look. So find a good "theme" that is labeled three column, widget ready, and plug in ready, and begin from there.
You will need to install these files. If you do not know much about FTP and installation, be sure to get some help. It's not hard, but why frustrate yourself when help is available.
You also will need plugins and "widgets" and a way to get traffic rolling immediately to your new blog. Again, don't pull you hair out and go crazy over this, help is always available. Seek it out.
Looking back through this article, you might, but need not, feel overwhelmed. The information above is just that - information. The actual use of blogging as your worldwide platform is so easy anyone willing to follow simple directions, and put in some work, can do. Driving traffic to your blog that is fine tuned to pull in, and continue to draw more, traffic is also easy, with proper instruction.
And the very best part about starting your own blog is...
You spend your time and your money and your effort on yourself!
Sure you can still sign up for affiliate programs and - in most cases - this is highly advisable. But now as you "do your thing online" you are investing in yourself not advertising for someone else. By choosing your passion to blog about, even if six months from now you no longer promote "the other guy's program," you never lose! Your efforts are exerted to promote yourself, your blog, your information. You gain flexibility. Your life online is now a joy!
Blogging is the greatest platform for continuous interactivity and fun for yourself and your visitors. If boredom or frustration is your situation, or you need to expand your business online, consider starting a blog today (yes today!). Your online future depends on it.
Theresa Cahill and her business partner and friend, Jeff Greer, publish their Online Internet Marketing Strategies blog under the pen name Diane Scott. They also offer their services to help you start a blog and keep it going for years to come!
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Will a Blog Draw Free Web Traffic? Check Out These 5 Simple Reasons
This Article By Shaun Baird
Would you use a Blog to accumulate Free Web Traffic? Yes, without a doubt. And there are 5 very simple reasons that emphasize why I make that statement.
1. Blogging is free.
2. Blogging is simple.
3. Blogging is authentic.
4. Blogging builds credibility.
5. Blogging builds your market.
Blogging embodies an idea begun in the late 90's. It initially was devised as a method to remark on an existent web page., an casual opportunity for visitors and readers to respond or vocalize one's thought on that page. What began as a single-sentence comment has developed into pages of a personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun. As it carries on its movement forward, on line advertising will continue to tap into the blog's electric potential, thus enabling the creation of Free Web Traffic.
Making your blog popular is a lot like driving traffic to a website. You can use many of the same techniques to drive traffic to your blog. Finding places to link back to your blog is a good way to draw traffic. Social sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and You tube provide lots of opportunities for this. You can also use social book marking sites such as Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg to promote your blog. Blogging on a popular blog site such as Wordpress and Blogger are also good ways to make your blog more popular as these blogging sites help to bring in traffic for your blog.
Finally, one of the simplest ways a blog owner can help to drive traffic to his blog is by regularly updating the blog and keeping it interesting. This is important because a blog which is interesting is much more likely to not only maintain blog traffic but also generate new traffic. This is because readers who are interested in the posts on the blog are not only likely to keep coming back to the blog but are also likely to recommend the blog to other members of the target audience. This type of word of mouth advertising can be very beneficial because those who have an interest in the content of a particular blog also typically have friends who would also be interested in the blog. Once one blog owner recommends a blog to one or more friends, these new blog visitors are also likely to recommend the blog to others if they find it to be interesting, useful or otherwise worthwhile.
Shaun Baird runs a highly successful advertising website. is a fantastic place for you to advertise your business, blog, website or other, and you will get thousands of targeted, interested people looking at your website every day for as little as just 2 cents per click (cheaper than many search engines!). Be warned, we will send you a lot of targeted traffic quickly so ensure your server can handle the traffic! Choose as an ideal place to test out your marketing ideas extremely quickly! Imagine being able to run a test on a new headline with 1000 real people, and then run a new headline a few hours later on another 1000 people! When you get a winning combination you can roll it out big time. We also give away real physical prizes each month for each ad campaign submitted.
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How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog
This Article By Seree Woradechjamroen
First of all, it's very important that your blog is meaningful and not some kind of repository of rehashed articles. I'm saying this because one of the best ways to attract visitors to your blog is if there's already heavy activity on the blog. This will have many implications: first of all, every time someone posts a comment on your blog, it is updated, and search engines usually favor sites with fresh content that is updated often. Second, it will encourage others to participate as well and come back frequently to see how others reacted to their comments or just to see how the conversation is evolving.
A good way to build interest to your blog is by posting on similar, yet more popular blogs related to yours, with a link to your blog of course. If you disagree with the blog's editor, don't be scared to start a flaming war, this might encourage the blog's editor to respond and other onlookers to visit your blog to read more of what you have to say. If you completely agree with the blog's editor and notice that there are occasional guest posters on the blog, try to contact the blogmaster to see if you can write a guest post for them.
Social networking sites such as are also a great way to increase blog traffic. Digg works by users giving a thumbs up - a 'dig' - or a thumbs down to whatever they read online and on the Digg site itself. It's pretty much a way to rate different pages on the web so that the best stories get the most attention. If you want your site to rate high in Digg, there are a few things you have to know.
First of all, you have to write a meaningful and eye catching headline since it's the first thing you see before reading a post. Second of all, when you submit your post to Digg, make sure the description is meaningful and that you can get a sense of the post before reading it; nobody likes bad surprises and people are most likely to give your post a thumbs down if the description had nothing to do with the post. Make sure your first paragraph is good and that the rest of the article is meaningful as well, or else you'll run the risk of irritating your readers, get bad reviews for your posts, and get your site banned from social bookmarking sites; because social bookmarking sites tend to ban people who post junk all the time.
There are plenty of ways that you can attract more traffic to your blog and that was just a few of them. But keep in mind that even the best promoted blog will fail if it doesn't have good content.
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Free Web Traffic - Do You Blog?
This Article By Shaun Baird
Is a blog a realistic Free Web Traffic generator? Will your blog bring you the Free
Web Traffic you are looking for?
Blog is the currently accepted Internet vernacular for a Weblog. Basically, an on line journal or diary that is frequently updated by the writer. All you need to start your own blog today is a computer, some typing skills, the urge to write about something you enjoy.
In the beginning, blogs were usually started by college students and teens. Now, almost
everyone has heard of them, read them, and even started them. No matter what age you are it's extremely simple nowadays to start your own blog and express yourself.
Using a blog to draw traffic not really difficult. Primarily, you need to have a content-rich posting with a drop-dead design. It is true that content is king and if a blog has great content it may receive lots of traffic even though it's design is lacking, having a well designed blog that is not ugly or annoying will help to draw repeat traffic. You want your blog to look unique, but not too unique.
Keep with Internet formalities, such as blue links and use large font for headings. Having your own look is a huge plus in the blog marketing world. You will find that most blogs all look the same and you can have your own look by just using HTML and adjusting the code to suit your taste. You are going to see that this will truly make a difference with your blog as well as your readers. Try to get a theme that is going to match the market that you are promoting in your blog. Doing so will make it look even more professional.
Write up a plan for how often you will update, how you will promote your blog and retain readers, whether you will feature photographs or video, and other aspects of your blog, and then stick to it with the same kind of determination that you used when you built your company.
Finally, one of the simplest ways a blog owner can help to draw free traffic to his blog is by keeping it interesting. This is important because an interesting blog is much more likely to maintain blog traffic AND generate new free traffic. This is because readers who are interested in the posts on the blog are likely to keep coming back to the blog. and are also likely to recommend the blog to other members of the target audience. This type of word of mouth advertising is very beneficial because those who have an interest in the content of a particular blog also typically have friends who would also be interested in the blog. Once one blog owner recommends a blog to one or more friends, these new blog visitors are also likely to recommend the blog to others if they find it to be interesting, useful or worth their while.
Shaun Baird runs a highly successful advertising website. is a fantastic place for you to advertise your business, blog, website or other, and you will get thousands of targeted, interested people looking at your website every day for as little as just 2 cents per click (cheaper than many search engines!). Be warned, we will send you a lot of targeted traffic quickly so ensure your server can handle the traffic! Choose as an ideal place to test out your marketing ideas extremely quickly! Imagine being able to run a test on a new headline with 1000 real people, and then run a new headline a few hours later on another 1000 people! When you get a winning combination you can roll it out big time. We also give away real physical prizes each month for each ad campaign submitted.
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Massive Blog Traffic - 4 Smart Tips to Boost the Traffic to Your Blog Inexpensively
This article By Fabian Tan
All bloggers start off with the same problem: how to increase blog traffic. Those that find the answer end up using their blogs as tools for further Internet success. Those who don't end up with little reason to keep the blog going.
With that in mind, here are four ways you can increase blog traffic at your site:
1. Host on your existing site
One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to increase blog traffic is hosting the blog at a separate site. Instead, your blog should be part of your existing domain. That way you'll be able to get better traffic and benefit from all of those links and visitors. Having the blog hosted away from your main site also diminishes your credibility.
2. Get involved on other blogs
Another good way to increase blog traffic is posting comments on other people's blogs. Often if they like what you've said they'll pay a visit to your blog. That builds more traffic and can help you establish relationships with others in your industry for potential lucrative deals later.
3. Study your visitors
Once you start to see a boom in your visitor numbers you'll want to take the time to learn more about them using tracking software. The more you know about their interests and browsing history the better able you will be to craft a blog they want to read.
4. Add interviews
Choose someone well-known in your field and conduct an interview. Add the content to your blog and like magic you'll have content that will attract visitors in large numbers.
Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:
"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ visitors per month at no cost! =>
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How to Grab Your Readers Attention and Get Them HOOKED on Your Blog
Grabbing attention of new Readers and keeping your current readers and subscribers happy is something every blogger should know how to do. This will ensure that your blog has that fresh and longevity factor. But how do we as bloggers perform this all so vital task. Well it really isn't that hard to do and it will rely on you doing the following things:
- Post Title: This is extremely important for both new visitors and current subscribers. This will take them from one site to yours. if the title is intriguing they would generally want to know more meaning that they click through the link, follow and read your post. It's then up to you to continue and ad d good value to the body of the post.
- Freshness and Activeness of blog: The amount of times you update your blog each week is vital. A ratio of one good full length post a day is good and you should try and maintain this for at least one month. You will soon see your subscriber amount double and your traffic along with it.
- Blog Design: This is an important factor of a good blog. Remember the people will see your site first and have a look and only after that they will start reading, so make sure to grab their imagination with a well thought out design that intrigues them sending them back for more and more.
- Blog Interaction: How is your blog interaction, do you get your posts featured on other blogs, do you network with other bloggers and ultimately how much weight do you have in your blogging niche. Also look at the how many comments is left on average on each post. Try and boost the amount of socialism in your post and in general on your blog.
- Blog Contests: I know not everyone is able to hold the biggest blogging contest out there giving away over $10,000 worth in prize, but send a few emails out and start small. When your traffic is at a good level you will start getting people supporting you in many ways and forms.
So as you can see above I have only listed five, but believe me there are plenty more out there to help you're blogs HOOKED factor.
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5 Ways to Make Your Website and Blog As Sticky As Humanly Possible
Okey, last day, I read the article from
This article about Blog and Site.
First off what does Sticky mean in the context of a website or blog. Well it is something that any blog or site owner should strive towards seeing that it simply means that when a first time visitor arrives at your site or blog that they are overwhelmed by the site and find it hard to leave. Now by adding the following touches to your site you will surely be creating a sticky platform keeping your visitors captivated for a long time to come.
Here are my 5 Ways to Make Your Website and Blog as Sticky as Humanly Possible:
Good Blog/Site Design: This is something that generally catches the eye of the visitor straight away and the better your site or blog looks the better for you. With the Web 2.0 factors of the internet rising every day it is important that you keep your site looking fresh and professional... to both keep existing visitors as well as gain new ones.
Make Your Site Brandable: Start by choosing the right domain name. This will help you to acquire repeat visits and get your site stuck in the mind of your visitors. Make sure that your name has reference to your site, isn't too long and is easy to pronounce and remember. Also try and connect your logo to your general brandname and feel of the site.
Make Your Blog/Site Personal: Try and make our site as personal as possible, this will help the visitors see that an actual person is running this site... someone who care and knows a lot about the topic. Make sure to have and Contact and About Page where you tell them a bit about yourself and what you do. Also try and add a couple of photos of yourself whether it being of you at home or at an event, just add it.
Respond to Comments: An active blog should have active comments, but if you as the admin and blog owner aren't replying to those comment especially when they are aimed towards you, you will soon see a drop when people realize you aren't replying.
Update your Site/Blog and Keep it Fresh and Active: Make sure you update your site or blog. This is important for two reasons... 1 being for you visitors and to keep them updated with new and fresh content and 2 is for the likes of Google and all the other major SE's to index more pages and to keep crawling your site at a quick rate.
Now the real question is, did YOU find this article valuable to some degree?
Yes? Ok then listen up...
I have learned all my expert marketing skills from 2 amazingly talented individuals. I urge you to check out their coaching program. You get free website hosting along with the most amazing training material you can imagine.
Just a note though, they only have limited spots available so you might want to check that out as soon as you can.
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