Your Bussines

Friday, August 08, 2008

Massive Blog Traffic - 4 Smart Tips to Boost the Traffic to Your Blog Inexpensively

This article By Fabian Tan

All bloggers start off with the same problem: how to increase blog traffic. Those that find the answer end up using their blogs as tools for further Internet success. Those who don't end up with little reason to keep the blog going.

With that in mind, here are four ways you can increase blog traffic at your site:

1. Host on your existing site

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to increase blog traffic is hosting the blog at a separate site. Instead, your blog should be part of your existing domain. That way you'll be able to get better traffic and benefit from all of those links and visitors. Having the blog hosted away from your main site also diminishes your credibility.

2. Get involved on other blogs

Another good way to increase blog traffic is posting comments on other people's blogs. Often if they like what you've said they'll pay a visit to your blog. That builds more traffic and can help you establish relationships with others in your industry for potential lucrative deals later.

3. Study your visitors

Once you start to see a boom in your visitor numbers you'll want to take the time to learn more about them using tracking software. The more you know about their interests and browsing history the better able you will be to craft a blog they want to read.

4. Add interviews

Choose someone well-known in your field and conduct an interview. Add the content to your blog and like magic you'll have content that will attract visitors in large numbers.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ visitors per month at no cost! =>

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